Wednesday, April 14, 2010

let's have fun!


Welcome dina and yaya!

This blog was inspired by the thought we could share our ideas on what we like and not like of those who choose to wear hijabs.

(Well actually it was just from one call cause yaya needed a favour with sewing her little hijab from dina and their conversation turned into "WOULDN'T IT BE FUN IF..?")

This blog is in no mean demonstrating neither the fact that we are pious or good just because we choose to cover up nor dismissing the fact that we have chosen to follow one of the many commandments of Allah s.w.t.

We hope to share this with each other, our friends and those who are thinking of wearing hijab in the future! If you don't like what you see, please, feel free to never visit us ever again. But if you do want to contribute, drop us a comment and tell us what you like :)

Most importantly, we hope to have SUPER DUPER FUN in sharing our random thoughts on the so called "fashion world" *slap self*.

YaYa's idea of fashion is comfortable slacks, cotton long sleeved-shirts and whatever she can grab that she doesn't have to iron. However, she has her "I feel like dressing up today! Which ones are the easiest to wear?". She has a crazy thing over pretty heels though.

Dina's idea of fashion is whatever she wears walking down the street and you say to yourself 'i wouldn't dare putting that on' but she, on the other hand looks greeeaat! She loves bright, colorful and printed tops, wearing jeans most of the time and dress however she like without the care for the world's opinion - as long as she feels good, comfortable and confident with herself. Owh but don't be surprised if you see her walking in her black 'tudung sarung' and abaya once in a while cos she has her i do not want to dress up today and people won't notice her at all!

Remember to always be comfortable with who you are, and dress whatever you feel like.

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